The Vermont Bar Association is still accepting nominations for its annual Pro Bono Service Award. The award is to one or more attorneys who have distinguished themselves by providing outstanding pro bono legal services to the disadvantaged.
Standards for the award reflect Rules 6.1 of the Vermont Rules of Professional Conduct, which exhorts each lawyer to provide at least 50 hours of pro bono publico legal service each year. The majority of this time should be given without fee or expectation of fee to persons of limited means or to the organizations which serve them.
Nominations for the award may be made by attorneys, judges, clients, law office staff or others involved in legal services. The VBA’s Pro Bono Committee will review the nominations and select one or more for recommendation to present to the full VBA Board.
Deadline for nominations for the pro bono award is Friday, Feb. 9, 2024 at noon. Each nomination should include a brief description of the attorney’s pro bono legal activities, and should be addressed to the VBA’s Executive Director Bob Paolini at
The VBA Pro Bono Service Award will be presented at the VBA’s Mid-Year Meeting luncheon on Friday, March 29th at the Hilton in Burlington.