Well-Being Resources
Attorney well-being is a critical component of our duty to represent our clients with competence. Recent studies showing high levels of depression and substance abuse among lawyers compel an increased awareness of, and focus on, wellness for attorneys. Fortunately, with this awareness has come a wealth of resources to assist attorneys with various aspects of their well-being and to reduce the stigma surrounding mental health issues. The VBA provides quality wellness programming throughout the year to satisfy Vermont’s required 1.0 MCLE credit per reporting period of wellness programming.
The Vermont Commission on the Well-Being of the Legal Profession (CWBLP) is pleased to recommend the following resources from Vermont and beyond to all members of the legal community, including lawyers, judges, law students, paralegals, legal assistants and court personnel. This page is designed to be continually updated; please contact info@vtbar.org with “CWBLP” in the subject line if you have any suggestions for additions. We appreciate your help with promoting well-being in our legal community!