The Board of Managers of the Vermont Bar Association has adopted the following statement:
The Vermont Bar Association (VBA) honors its mission:
[To] promote[] the highest standards of skill, ethics and professionalism within an inclusive legal profession; foster[] understanding and respect for the rule of law; support[] equal access to a fair and effective system of justice; and provide[] valuable resources to its members. [1]
The VBA stands in support of the rule of law, an impartial and independent judiciary, and the separation of powers amongst the co-equal branches of government. Our nation was built on these principles, and our commitment to these democratic ideals remains steadfast.
The VBA condemns acts that undermine our democratic checks and balances and denounces attacks upon the judiciary. We express our unwavering support for an independent judiciary. Respect for the rule of law is essential to the functioning of our democratic society, justice, and the protection of individual rights and liberties. Everyone stands subject and accountable to the law. We remain committed to ensuring all Vermonters have access to the judicial process and that the process remains fair and equitable.
The VBA affirms its dedication to its mission and our time-tested system of American government. We will continue our efforts to serve our membership, create a welcoming and inclusive environment, and promote the rule of law while respecting the diverse perspectives of our membership and remaining a non-partisan organization.
[1] Mission and History, Vermont Bar Association
This statement will be presented to the VBA Membership for endorsement during the business meeting at the Mid-Year Meeting, March 28, 2025, at the Equinox Resort in Manchester.