Franklin County Field Days Legal Services
- Introduction
Franklin County Industrial Development Corporation (FCIDC), on behalf of Franklin County Field Days (FCFD), Inc. is seeking a proposal from a qualified attorney(s) to complete preacquisition legal services specific to the purchase of real property suitable for the relocation of FCFD’s business and operations. This request is made under the authorities of Northern Border Regional Commission (NRBC) which has provided grant funding to FCIDC and FCFD for this action.
FCFD currently does not own or lease land. They are seeking approximately 30 acres of land to relocate operations.
The selected attorney will be asked to provide various documents which will represent the project’s final product(s). These could include reviewing purchase and sale agreements, completing an examination of either marketable or historic title opinions, resolving title issues, drafting deeds and other legal land transaction documents, preparing and reviewing closing documents, purchasing title insurance and other legal services including the disbursal of funds in connection with this real estate transaction. These actions will result in FCDC having clear and marketable title for the property being acquired and mortgaged.
This process will be led by members of both FCIDC and FCFD.
2. Scope of Work
The product(s) generated by this RFP may consist of but not limited to, in part, of the following pertinent legal documents /instruments:
- Purchase and Sale Agreement
- Preliminary Title Opinion (PTO) on property to be acquired
- Deed preparation and recording
- Final Title Opinion on property acquired
- Mortgage
- Promissory Note
- Any other documents related to the acquisition of the purchased property.
- Project Schedule
RFP published March 1,2025
Deadline for written questions March 14, 2025
Deadline for submission proposal March 21, 2025
Announcement of accepted proposal April 4, 2025
Date of initial project meeting April 16, 2025
Substantial completion date June 21, 2025
All documents and legal instruments are to:
- Be completed in accordance with acceptable industry standards
- Include a glossary of legal terms
All documents shall be provided to both FCIDC and FCFD in a timely manner via email.
- Proposal Format – no more than ten (10) pages front and back will be accepted
- Firm
- Provide a description of your firm’s size, capabilities, people, and business approach
- Provide three customer references, including contact information
- Describe the extent of your firm’s experience
- Team
- Describe how you will structure your team and identify who the members will be and their role in the project. Provide resumes of key personnel assigned to the project
- Provide evidence of appropriate insurance coverage(s)
- Services
- Describe your understanding of the project, including tasks to be performed, and the issues and needs to be addressed.
- Describe your approach to working with the client
- Detail the procedures you would use to complete each task
- Identify specific products to be delivered and when
- Provide information relating to your experience (if any) with comparable projects.
- Fees
- Please provide a proposal estimate based on one of the two following methodologies:
Time/materials: If payment is based on time and materials, specify the rate of payment and the frequency of invoicing. For example: Bidder will be paid $X dollars/hour and shall submit invoices not more than monthly.
Fixed Price Deliverables: If payments are a fixed price, provide an invoice schedule that corresponds to the completion of each work product described in Section II Scope of Work.
- Evaluation and Selection Process
- Responses shall be submitted in one envelope.
- The FCIDC and FCFD will review submissions for cost effectiveness and meeting the overall objectives of this proposal.
- An interview may be required of finalists before a selection is made
- FCIDC and FCFD will finalize a contract with the selected firm; said contract will be compliant with standard state and federal grant conditions
- FCIDC and FCFD may accept, reject, or seek modifications to any or all responses
- All responding firms must be registered with
- All responding firms must be registered to do business in the State of Vermont
- Proposal Due
Upon receipt of this RFP, please notify FCIDC of your interest in being included on a mailing list for responses to any questions received. All questions from prospective applicants must be received in writing by March 14, 2025 to Tim Smith, Executive Director, Franklin County Industrial Development Corporation at Any questions received by this date and time will be responded to in writing to all firms that have notified FCIDC or their designated representative of its intent to submit a proposal.
Responses to this Request for Proposals are due by 5:00 p.m. on March 21, 2025. Late responses will not be considered.
Please provide six (6) hard copies of your firm’s response as well as an electronic version to:
Tim Smith
Executive Director
Franklin County Industrial Development Corporation
PO Box 1099
2 N. Main Street, 4th Floor
St. Albans, VT 05478-1099