Tyler Technologies reports it will be performing network infrastructure updates that will result in several brief service disruptions to the Vermont Judiciary’s Public Portal, Odyssey File & Serve, and the Attorney Licensing Portal from 7AM on Saturday, November 6 to 5PM on Sunday, November 7. Users may experience the inability to view case files or efile during these brief service disruptions. The disruptions are expected to last no more than 20 minutes at a time. Tyler Technologies notes that if you experience any issues with Odyssey File & Serve during the maintenance window lasting more than 1 hour OR after the maintenance window, you can contact the 24×7 Technical Services Hotline: 1-800-965-0383.
Any questions can be directed to JUD.TrialCourtoperations@vermont.gov
Thank you,
Laura La Rosa
Program Manager, Trial Court Operations
Office of Court Administration
109 State Street
Montpelier, VT 05609-0701