Lanthier Investiture Held Nov. 8

  Vermont’s new U.S. District Court Judge, Mary Kay Lanthier, had her formal investiture on Nov. 8 in Rutland.  Although Lanthier took her oath of office from Chief Federal Judge Christina Reiss in Burlington on Sept. 17, and began exercising her official duties immediately thereafter, the investiture ceremony provided a formal marker for Lanthier’s new position.…


Are You a Future Bar Leader?

We hope so! The VBA thrives with member participation, and one of the most important ways you can serve is as a member of the Board of Managers.  There are three two-year seats coming open this winter. Additionally, the executive committee positions of Treasurer, Secretary, and President Elect are open every year. The VBA Nominating…


VBA Upgrade to “vLex Fastcase” Launches Nov. 5

By T.J. Diggins, vLex Fastcase Customer Success Representative In coordination with Fastcase, the Vermont Bar Association has offered a free legal research member benefit since 2021, providing access to cases, statutes, and regulations. Last year, Fastcase was significantly upgraded for Vermont attorneys by the addition of a searchable database of Vermont superior court decisions.  In…
