This just in from our colleagues at the Washington County Bar Association:
Hello Colleagues,
For our fall WCBA lunch, we will be hosting a time to “Meet the Judges.” The Washington County judges, Judge Schoonover, Judge Harris, Judge Tomasi, and Judge Kilgore, will be attending. It will be a good opportunity to say hello.
The lunch will be held on Thursday, Oct. 10, at 12 pm, at the Quarry in Barre. Lunch is $28 per person, payable in advance or at the door. Lunch does not include drinks, but you can order a drink at the bar and bring it to the meeting room on the second floor. Water will be available.
Please RSVP by Oct. 2 by mailing this form (with a check if paying in advance) to Sidney Collier, Collier Immigration, 27 Main Street, Suite 12, Montpelier, VT 05602, or by sending an email containing the RSVP information to Sidney at
Please make checks payable to the Washington County Bar Association.
If you RSVP that you will attend, we need you to pay for your attendance even if your plans change since we will be required to pay for you.
Please note that we hold elections for officers at the spring meeting. Start thinking now about possible nominations for office!
We hope to see you there!
Best regards,
Heather Devine, President
Sidney Collier, Secretary
Brian Amones, Treasurer